Publication Design for the Australian Medical Association by Cordial Creative

Australian Medical Association

Publication Design

More publication projects
Victorian Government Purchasing Board
Victorian State Budget
St Francis Xavier College

As the peak industry body for doctors and nurses, the Australian Medical Association (AMA) is a vocal advocate and lobbying body for medical and healthcare issues in Australia. To promote its important messages to the public and government, the Victorian branch of the AMA engaged Cordial Creative to design key publications including its Priority Goals for Victoria’s Health System and its State Budget Submission for 2020-21.

To brand these significant publications and present them in a clear, compelling and memorable way, we utilised the AMA’s distinct corporate colours in conjunction with photography focusing on practitioners and patients, and developed complementary infographics to highlight key facts and figures. The resulting suite of publications presents the Association’s critical messages professionally and persuasively to inform future healthcare policy and funding decisions in the best interests of all Victorians.